Today the festival supports cultural diversity, solidarity and harmonious interaction of different eras, cultures and people, while emphasizing the development of Latvian culture against the backdrop of the development of cultural traditions of the European region.

Since 2011, the festival has been annually organized by the NGO Culture Association "Alternative Reality": an association of enthusiasts and volunteers who, at their own expense, organize and conduct annual multicultural festival for residents and guests of Riga.
The goal of the Alternative Reality organization is solidarity of community, promoting of multiculturalism and volunteering, lifelong education, mutual respect and the desire to develop the creative potential and talents of people, regardless of social status, nationality, culture, minority or other external differences.
This year project of the festival is approved by European Solidarity Corpse and many joung people from all over Europe will join to organizational team as volunteers to help organize a festival, to learn about multiculturalism and solidarity.
Festival "Count of May" is one of the organization's long-term cultural projects (2012-20...). Organization Details
Like other cultural and social projects of Culture Association "Alternative Reality", a project "Count of May" is based on the principles of multiculturalism and the interaction of various traditions, cultures and languages, which is the basic principle of the creation of the European Union.

Motto of European Union: United in Diversity
Symbol of European Union: 12 stars symbolizing unity, solidarity and harmony of different nations and cultures
Our festival is organized in the frame of Volunteering project "Count of May: united in Diversity" co-finansed by European Solidarity Corps of European Comission.
Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union,European Commission or National Agency (Agency for International Programs for Youth) neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them